An abandoned shack next to the railway track in Mirwart, Belgium. 29 sep 2002
I have been doing this blog for exactly on year, and this is my 555th post on "The Eyes Have it". It will be my last.
I continue posting at "When I Was Buying You a Drink Where Were You ?", and perhaps something new will appear sometime, somewhere....
To a faithful audience, farewell!
It does not matter what is said and done
The eyes have it.
The mind's legislative faculty
Is unconcerned with appearances and words
Nothing is over and done with.
Not even your malice.
Especially your malice.
So do not apologize to me.
I have walked stooped beneath your heart,
That cold-blooded crown
That holds the glinting jewel
Of contradiction in your eyes.
I think that I shall gouge them
from your skull
And crush them in my fist
--Give you a dog to see with
Give you eyes that pant and salivate,
Eyes that creep on all fours--
Eyes that cringe at the sound of my voice;
Lie to me then.
Tell me life is good to you
--When all your memories are distilled
Into the transformed image, the Idea
Of a mechanical hand reaching
To dig out your eyes.
Lie to me then.
Lie to me then, Dog-eyes.
Lie to me then.
Jack Henry Abbott, In the Belly of the Beast.